What if you could imbue every note you write with a sense of terror? If every grocery list could harness the raw energy of the wild unknown, and every quick to-do had behind it the prerogative of immutable instinct?
There are lots of ways to accomplish this, but until now, they have either been illegal, expensive, or permanent. But now, with Piranhamoose sticky notes, you can leash the beast! That is not a euphemism, or if it is, it doesn't mean what you think.
NOTE: Unless you are careful, every single note you attempt to write, no matter its contents, will come out “I WANT TO EAT YOU”. Depending on your particular circumstance, this may be what you want to say anyway? But use with caution.
Bic Sticky Notes, 3" x 2-3/4" - 100 sheets per pad. Get the 3-pack and the third one is like, almost free!
Also check out the other Piranhamoose products!