114 pages; hardcover with cloth-bound spine; 8 3/4″ × 9″
Are regular animals too dull? Is life too plodding? Have you forgotten the last time you zested for something?
Here, at last, is the solution. This collection of Wondermark comics is a cure for the predictable. Each a strange delight, each a window into a world where nothing is simply ordinary, into which a Piranhamoose (to take just one example) may come crashing at any moment.
Live without warning. Live...like Wondermark. An all-new collection designed with you in mind.
Or if not you, someone you know. Is gift-giving season coming up? Think about it.
Contains: Loads of comics, “The Gax of Life” 12-page comic story, a Piranhamoose children’s book, “Ask Gax” advice column, an introduction by the author’s mother, the Zoological Times Table, and definitely at least several more things!